This is the unfinished bedroom art that I'm currently working on. I still need to mount the fabric to the wooden frame backer and then I'm going to center the picture in the middle. I'm really excited, I think that I'll turn out really cute when I'm
done. I've been trying to figure out a way to reuse an old picture frame and that is what I've done here, total cost of project is under $20! I'll try and post a picture when I'm totally done. Here's a semi "tutorial" on what I did.

The picture frame was originally birch. I painted it white (Antique white from
Kilz, left over from my
bathroom redo). I then painted the inside of the frame chestnut brown with some acrylic craft paint. I took that same brown and mixed it with some candy apple red acrylic craft paint and then gave it this streaked, worn looking finish.

I found this adorable cabbage rose flannel fabric in the remnant section at
JoAnn's. It was approximately 20x24, under $1.50! I'll have a little bit of left-over fabric that I can use for something else.

This is the original picture I started with. It's a metal wall plaque that I got from my new favorite local home/garden shop. I really like it, but when I hanged it up I knew that it wasn't substantial enough and needed something more. Hence my "improvised" inspirational art!
That is lovely!