This scene greeted me this morning when I opened my front door.

This was behind me.

Turning my head to the left.

Turning my head to the right.
How can someone look at this and not see God's love? I find myself humbled and in awe of His creation when something as simple as opening your front door can reveal this.
Hi! Believe it or not I stumbled across your blog from a dollar stretcher forum. You had responded to a post about a book "Homeschooling the Challenging Child". Your response seemed similiar to my story. After visiting your blog I just felt compelled to comment (which I don't normally) because of this post. I look to the skies daily to see God's love and this post made me smile. We are a military family that just moved back to the states from Guam and the skies there were like a painting from God for us to enjoy every night. If you ever have time, I'd love to hear back from you. I'm new to homeschooling and have 3 boys. Oh..and my name is Amy. :-) morrisonal@hotmail.com