Ok, so I'm ready for fall. To quote a movie who's title I can't remember that featured high school cheerleaders (you can guess how long ago that was), "Bring it". Bring on fall. Fire hued leaves, cool and crisp air, our cities annual "harvest festival", pumpkins everywhere you look and tights for church. I'm ready. Fall, you are my favorite seasonal friend, always have been. I remember being six years old and sitting on our front porch admiring all the pretty changing leaves and multicolored sunsets.
I was blessed and fortunate enough to find the above adorable sweaters for $1 apiece at a local children's resale shop. Discarded to the dollar rack, I'm not sure why. I know that DS#2 will look adorable in them. Sure to bring lots of compliments when we go to church.
Thank you Lord for small treasures. Changing leaves, apple cider and warm sweaters.
You never know when you'll run into a great deal!