Some memories from the past year, in no particular order.

Gingerbread Train

Happy Harvest!

Fairytale Town

Annual Harvest Festival photo (not the best this year!)

DD first (and hopefully only) "self" haircut

Our beautiful Patches, who adopted us. She is the
best cat.

State Fair 2009

Family fun mini vacation

Me and Hubby

DS's first MLB game, SF Giants, they lost:(

Fun at Bass Pro Shop (that place is

Unexpected sweet moments

Trip to local firestation

Trip to Folsom Zoo

Lots and lots of fun at the park!

Lots of water play

First self built (with a bit of help) box car

First two wheeler

DS lost first tooth (and the second, a day later)

Fun trip to kid's science museum
So many fun and happy memories...what will 2010 bring? I hope lots and lots of the same!
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