I took my hot glue gun and liberally pumped hot glue all over two interior sides of the box, then pressed it together and made a cardboard sandwich of sorts.

I then covered the entire front of the board in thick craft paper. If you were doing a darker or thicker fabric, you could probably skip this step. But because the fabric was both lightweight and light and color I did this. Didn't want to have the printing on the box showing through.
I then used my hot glue gun to affix the fabric directly to the board. No secret strategy, just glued and then stretched the fabric to fit. As you can tell, I didn't iron my fabric before hand. However since most of the time the majority of the board will be covered, I didn't worry about it.
I just used regular nails to hang directly to the door. Three on the top and bottom and one in the middle on each side. It went up really easily. Be careful though that you don't completely puncture the cardboard, which is why a thick cardboard box is a must.
I then covered the entire front of the board in thick craft paper. If you were doing a darker or thicker fabric, you could probably skip this step. But because the fabric was both lightweight and light and color I did this. Didn't want to have the printing on the box showing through.
There you have it, quick, simple and cheap! Everything I used I already had on hand, so free is always fabulous to me! Please click on "Linky Parties I Love" on the right to see where I'll be sharing my latest project.
Wonderful - I wouldn't have thought to use heavy cardboard but what a great idea!!