For Your Information

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just Checking In

I'm still around, in case you were totally worried about me ;) We've just been busy getting back into our routines. I'm also on a whirlwind cleaning, organizing, purging run. I tend to get in this frame of mind at the beginning of a new year. I think lots of us are, right? If not, that's ok too.

So the other day I walked into the kids room and found my daughter in her doll's cradle.

Decided it would be fun to get down there with her for a photo. Oldest has a loft bed, so the space underneath is daughter's "hidey hole", her doll's cradle is there.

"Um, what is that smell, did you toot?"

"Ya", she said. Laughter all around.

"Ok, Mommy I'm stuck, will you help me out?" She is a goofball for sure. I remember when I was pregnant with our first, my Hubby asked me, "What if the kids think we are weird?" Yeah, we don't need to worry about that.

On another note, to those of you interested I've started up again trying to regularly post on my gratitude blog, "Today's Top Three Thankful Things." While I can't promise I'll do it on a daily basis, (as you can see that hasn't been going well) I am going to TrY and be more consistent. If your just overwhelmed with curiosity to see what my thankful thoughts are, please click here .

I'm in the process of prettying up the living room, going with a nature slash neutral tone look. I've even mixed in some branches. When it's more photo ready, I'll post a picture. I still have Christmas decoration boxes in the room, although it's packed the boxes haven't made it to the garage yet.


  1. silly sweet times - i love it!!!

    i'm purging extra stuff right along with you. i deal with life (and its ups and downs) so much better when things are streamlined. cleaning out my black hole of a desk helped in that way. amazing how much junk i shoved into that thing. argh.

  2. I'm purging too. Even the first day home when I was unpacking, I purged.

    Fun photos with your goofball. My kids are goofy too - they come by it honestly.


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