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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

GFCF Homemade Cornbread

My two boys are eating a GFCF diet, both for different reasons. So last night for dinner while Hubby, daughter and I were enjoying biscuits with our stew the boys had cornbread instead.

It's really easy and uses ingredients that you will more than likely have on hand. It's a simple recipe too, you'll never guess where I got it from.

A few years back my Hubby went on a business trip to Memphis and brought back this magnet. At first I was like, "Geez...thanks honey." But then after I looked at the recipe, I said, "Wow, thanks honey!!" Perfect recipe for our boys. The only substitution I make is using rice milk instead of regular milk. I pour the batter into a greased 8"square pan and bake as directed.

Even if you don't have special dietary requirements, this is good cornbread. It's dense and not nearly as "cakey" as lots of cornbreads tend to be. Almost closer to a spoonbread actually. We don't serve ours the way the magnet suggests, but I bet it would be good that way!

Sharing at the "Tasty Tuesday" linky party at:

Beauty and Bedlam

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