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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Woven Fabric Wall Art

Awhile back, my lovely Momma gave me some fabric samples that she had received. They were pretty good sized, I'd say 18-20" squares. I was going to try and make some pillows with them, but since I'm so challenged in the sewing area I decided to try and figure out a no sew option way to use them. This is what I came up with, I'm calling it "woven wall art". Catchy title, huh? I used a wooden stretcher, I got mine at IKEA and just stapled the fabric directly to it. To cut the fabric I did use fabric shears, but I didn't measure or even cut all that straight (although I did try, kinda).

I tried to pull colors from the pictures that I hung below it. In all actuality the prints were really easy to work with, because they had a pretty varied palate. I am really happy with the all over look, simple and kinda "rustic". At least that is what I'm going to tell myself.

One of the reasons I varied the width of the fabric strips was because I wanted to make sure the weave was pretty full and didn't have any gaps. We have an old thermostat control on the wall that I wanted to cover up, so this project worked really well for that!

Please click on "Linky Parties I Love" on the top right to see where I'll be linking up!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My New Blog

I've decided in order to keep this blog from getting a little confusing for me others I'm going to start a new blog to list my 5 T's. Please click to read (or follow) my postings here:

5 T's

1. Company picnics. Went to the water park today, the kids had so much fun. They are all water babies. What a blessing for my husband to work for a company that provides a free, fun time for it's employees.

2. Libraries. I appreciate all the wonderful books, DVD's and CD's you can get there.

3. Children's ministry workers. Those that love, recognize and appreciate the individuality and uniqueness of God's children.

Bonus #4. A husband who's willing to drive the long way home, just because his wife asked him to.

Friday, September 17, 2010

5 T's

1. AAA, worth the $120 each and every year I've had them so far.

2. Silly kid dances. Oldest started dancing in the living room today, I love it when he's silly.

3. Grocery Outlet, a discount/salvage grocer. I appreciate how reasonable their prices are, and their selection of food is usually really great. I spent a little under $80 and saved almost $70, so happy to shop there when I can.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The 5 T's (What Does It Mean Anyways?)

My Mom gave me a great idea this morning, she is full of them, great ideas that is! Well, actually if I'm being really honest, she's talked to me about this before but I've not done it yet.

When feeling a little in the dumps, think of three things you are thankful for and this is the important part...write them down. So many times I think of things I am thankful for, but then forget as the day progresses or as my mood sours.

So, I am going to try and post every day (or close to it), three things I am thankful about for that particular day. Some days I might go into a bit of detail as to why I am thankful for them, some days I'll probably keep the list short and sweet. But either way I really want to commit to this, remembering the good, the blessings, the stuff that makes our lives special and meaningful to us as individuals.

Today's Top Three Things I'm Thankful for (or to keep it short, the 5 T's) :

1. Cute kid pictures. They seem to consume all corners of this house, but kids art is just too cute. Especially if your kids draw it!

2. Good smelling dishsoap. It makes doing the dishes (yes, I am the dishwasher in our house) so much more pleasant of a task.

3. Toothless grins. Number one lost another tooth last night, right now he has four holes in his mouth. Those are the cutest smiles on the planet.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Felted Wool Sweater Hat

I am in love with the sweater hat I just made for my daughter. It is the cutest thing, she looks so sweet in it. I took an old wool sweater of hers and felted it and came up with it off the top of my head.

Being that I just came up with it, I have no real "tutorial" so to speak. It was a somewhat random process, so it would be really hard for me to try and explain what I did after the fact.

If you would be interested in trying to make one yourself, let me know. If I get a lot of requests then I'll start looking for another sweater and will post my version of a "tute" (for what it's worth).

It wasn't hard to make, and it's no sew which is always a big plus for me, since the only "sewing" I do as of now is hand stitching and that is sketchy at best. I added the floral pin to just cute it up a bit, got it from a sweet blog friend, Emily.

I used some cute grosgrain ribbon to help made the tassel on top. I also used some scraps to help make the tassel too, very little of the original sweater went in the trash.

Pretty much the sides were just knotted together, similar to making one of those no-sew polar fleece blankets. Very simple.

Please click on "Linky Parties I Love" to see where I'll be linking up.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Today as we all know marks a really somber day in our country's history. The scope of loss is unlike anything that the majority of us have ever experienced. I can still vividly remember that day, when my Mom called me and told me to turn on the TV. How I called out for my husband and then proceeded to cry and just stare, not even being able to fully take in all that was happening.

The above picture is of my youngest sister, who has autism. Now sixteen and beautiful, such a blessing and such a gift from God. When she was younger, she was a different child. Screaming, raging, yelling, biting, unable to communicate even the most basic of needs. How my mother navigated through it all and came out on the other side is a true testament to the grace and power of God, there is no other way to explain it. To see the person she is today is a beautiful example of God's love and His ability to revive and restore. Knowing that God can do that for her, needing to believe that God will do that for our family.

Remembering the days "before the kids". All the nights out late, only worrying about your own agenda. Working for a paycheck, getting accolades and thanks from co-workers. Bonuses and holiday parties. Business clothes and fancy shoes. Trading it all for sweats and food stained t-shirts. Sleep deprivation and physical exhaustion (sometimes). Frustration over spilled milk and bold faced lies. Interruptions and constant questions. Belly laughs and small smiles. Stories in bed and cereal for dinner.

Trading one type of "work" for another. Trying to remember that my previous jobs just made small changes in a short time on earth but my work at home is the stuff that legacies are made of. The work that I do now will be part of a timeline that will continue on much longer than the time I am on earth. Trying to remember that when I want to yell at the kids for making yet another mess or interrupting me while I'm on the phone. All of what I do now will not be fully realized while I am alive. I will not see the grand picture until I am in heaven. When you want immediate gratification and instant results, that is a hard pill to swallow.

Worrying and doubt. Overwhelming and uncertainty. What should "I" do? How does it need to be handled? Thinking out all the possible scenarios. Working out the "escape route". Planning and plotting. Or I could hand it over. Let go and see how it'll work out. Let the Creator handle it. He make the universe in all it's glory, so He could handle my parenting quandary, right? Why is it so easy for me to believe in all of His power, but not trust that His power will provide for me?

Wanting things to change. Waiting for a new path. Frustration over timing. Dealing with attitudes and questions. Thinking about what "others" think. Measuring myself with another's yardstick. Tiredness over cyclical issues. Trusting in His timing. Knowing that He is the one I need to please, not others. Remembering that my plan isn't always His plan. Taking comfort in the realization that He knows it all already, I don't have to. Just trying to quiet down all the noise so I can hear what He is trying to tell me.

Some reflections that I've been thinking lately. Want to share some of yours?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cabinet Door Plaque

I went to the Habitat re-store a few months back and picked up all sorts of goodies. I bought these really nice cabinet/drawer fronts for only $1 a piece. They are the long, narrow rectangular ones. The ones I purchased are normally used for the false drawer/cabinet that are installed under a kitchen sink.

Anyhoo, I used the green one above to make this plaque. I am thrilled with how it turned out, and it honestly took me about 30 minutes start to finish. Curious to know how I did it? Let me share with you my secrets!

First off, all the lettering and trim is from my scrapbooking stash. They are all rub-ons! Yep, how easy is that?!? I love these things, they are wonderful for all sorts of other applications besides scrapbooking.

Right now my favorite bible verse that I've memorized and have repeated thousands several times a day is Romans 12:12. "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer". It's a good one!

I just left the drawer front as is. You can see it's kinda dinged/scratched up and that is fine by me. I decided to keep the sign simple, so that the words are what you focus on.

I hope you like my fast and frugal idea for a easy project. Please click on "Linky Parties I Love" on the right to see where I'll be linking up my idea. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

How Great Thou Art

My favorite hymn of all, I just found an amazing rendition by Aaron Ivey. You must listen to it, I think it'll speak to your heart. Scroll your mouse over the song info listed to the right of the album cover on the top of the page. It'll then let you pick from the tracks listed. It might be a bit tempermental, but keep trying. It's worth it. Another good one to listen to is, "Found". Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

DIY Budget Bulletin Board

Today I made a budget friendly bulletin board for our kitchen/classroom. We have always tended to use the door to the garage as our school bulletin board, but taping everything was getting tedious and I wanted another solution. I have been thinking about getting a cork board, but those are pricey. Here's my take on a DIY bulletin board, let me show you what I did.

I took a heavy cardboard box and cut all the flaps off, just leaving the body of the box. This box is super thick, which is why I chose it. I wanted something I could nail to the wall and was thick enough to handle thumbtacks.

I took my hot glue gun and liberally pumped hot glue all over two interior sides of the box, then pressed it together and made a cardboard sandwich of sorts.

I then covered the entire front of the board in thick craft paper. If you were doing a darker or thicker fabric, you could probably skip this step. But because the fabric was both lightweight and light and color I did this. Didn't want to have the printing on the box showing through.

I then used my hot glue gun to affix the fabric directly to the board. No secret strategy, just glued and then stretched the fabric to fit. As you can tell, I didn't iron my fabric before hand. However since most of the time the majority of the board will be covered, I didn't worry about it.

I just used regular nails to hang directly to the door. Three on the top and bottom and one in the middle on each side. It went up really easily. Be careful though that you don't completely puncture the cardboard, which is why a thick cardboard box is a must.

There you have it, quick, simple and cheap! Everything I used I already had on hand, so free is always fabulous to me! Please click on "Linky Parties I Love" on the right to see where I'll be sharing my latest project.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Cluckin' Hens

I have a bad habit...I tend to get kinda "clucky" around friends. You know what I'm talking about, don't you? Little bit negative, somewhat gossip-y, sometimes a sour disposition. It's something that I've been aware of lately.

My time away from home isn't a very regular thing. Being a SAHM who also happens to be my kiddo's "teacher Mommy" limits the "me time" that I get. I always have the intention of enjoying myself when I go out with friends, look forward to the adult conversation. But when I get in my "clucky" mode, I end up coming home feeling like the evening was somewhat of a downer and I'm disappointed in my grumpy-ish attitude.

I really feel that the Lord is prompting and prodding my heart to look into this matter. I really am the type of person who vacillates between the glass half empty-glass half full mentality. I'm kinda unstable in that area you could say. My intentions are good, but my actions always aren't, hence my struggle with my "cluckiness".

What do you ladies do to help combat the plucky clucky syndrome that tends to affect us gals? What do you and your friends talk about? The same thing every time you get together (which I notice tends to bring on the grumbling) or do you try to talk about new topics of conversation? Have you noticed certain topics of conversation that get you going down the grippin' path? Are there certain topics that are "safe zones" that keep you in the clear? How do you put your cluckin' in check? I'd love to hear some suggestions, because I need them!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Intentional Blogging

So, as I'm sure most of you have noticed by now I've not been around much lately. It seems like I've been busy, but not busy at the same time. Does that make sense? Seems like we've been really busy going and doing this summer, but things have also been somewhat slow around the home front. Stagnant, not a whole lot to show for all the going and doing we've been doing.

However, if I sit and think about it there has been a lot going on the last several weeks. We've seen my sister and her husband off as they move across country. They visited for a few days with us before taking off on their great "migration". It was fun, but sad to say goodbye.

My husband and my Momma went on a three day whirlwind tour of Alabama, the Huntsville area to be exact. We are seriously considering moving there (it's about 95% positive) within the next 12-18 months. Exciting, exhilerating and overwhelming all at the same time. God is opening eyes and hearts to the possibility of new and great things in another place.

In anticipation of moving, I've been more conscious to try and enjoy and encapsulate what I'll miss about leaving where we are now. We've been going on many drives, taking lots of pictures and just trying to be happy with where we are now, knowing that we won't be here forever. It's a weird type of limbo to be in. Trying to enjoy and disassociate yourself at the same time.

We've been blessed with the opportunities to have many fun family moments. Minor league baseball games, hotel camping trips, park days, ice cream for dinner, free movies, walks before bedtime. Most of the summer we've been blessed with really mild weather for our neck of the woods, so it's been so enjoyable to get outside and savor our summer days and nights.

I've really enjoyed trying to get better with my little point and shoot. I have found a love for taking pictures that I didn't have before. I think it has something to do with wanting to chronicle memories, becoming acutely aware my kids are growing fast. Maybe not having to change a diaper for the first time in seven years has something to do with it?

As one can imagine, with being out and about so much our house has suffered. The BBQ isn't getting used as much as usual and my floor is sporting way more of a crumb coat than it normally does. It's hard for me to find the balance between fun and work, especially in the summertime. However I know that fall is around the bend and that balance will be easier to find soon, just from the standpoint that I will be home more.

My projects around the house have been somewhat on hold. Not a whole lot of creating going on right now. I don't have anything big in the works, although ideas are swirling around in my noggin. Honestly, I just would rather be spending my time with the kids or doing something more productive, like taking a nap. Seriously though, the push for me to produce physical "treasures" isn't really in me right now. I'd say the season of working on spiritual "treasures" is upon me.
So you'll have to forgive me if my blog doesn't showcase as many "before" and "afters" as it normally does. It's not that I don't have the ability to do that anymore, but it seems that is kinda taking the back burner right now. God is tugging at my heartstrings right now, and the changes that have been taking place are slow and somewhat intangible to the outside world. But they are making lasting, visible and palpable changes to me and my little bubble.

I won't be offended if you don't feel the need to comment or lurk around much, but for those of you that do stick around I hope that maybe the randomness that is my chaotic and crazy existence with strike a chord with you. Perhaps something that needs to be shifted will be stirred a bit. God is really prompting me to pull into perspective what is rock and what is sinking sand. Where is our time and attention going, on stuff that is solid and sure or stuff that is fluff and shifting?