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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stenciled Candleholder

Ok, I really do need to get better about taking "before" pictures when I redo something. So picture the below candleholder a yellowish pine color with lots of scratches and a solid black glass back. I found it at my favorite secondhand store, I think I paid $2 for it.

Originally I was going to paint the wood black and then replace the backing with some cute scrapbook paper. But when I popped the backing out I discovered the glass was actually painted black as in coated and it would have been super hard to remove it.

So plan b involved a stencil. I had a plastic flower stencil that I just taped down to the glass and painted on the flowers with leftover acrylic paint and a piece of sponge. The stencil was too large to completely cover the glass, so I just did three partial images and staggered them.

As you can see, the stenciling isn't perfect. Parts are somewhat blurry, it's not super crisp and defined but I like it that way. I used a gloss black spray paint, didn't prep the wood at all except to wash it well and let it dry before painting. Several coats of paint later and this is the finished product. I love it!

Click on "Linky Parties I love" on the right to see what parties I'll be linking up with.


  1. Heather.. It turned out great!!! I can't believe that it is wood~ using several coats of paint really made the difference.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. It looks lovely it sort of shimmers in an ethereal way if you get my drift...

  3. Thats gorgeous, wish we had "stores" like your here in the UK. Keep up the great work.

  4. Oh I wish you would take before pictures!! Looks great! Thanks for joining us for Anything Related! ~Bridgette


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